Saturday, June 04, 2005

All Ya'll Chatta! We are here! You are there!

We arrived in Bangkok two days ago. Having incredibly awsome time. Got taken by Tuk Tuk. Story to follow. Khao San road, massive backpacker haven; much to buy. Massage; not that kind, Terry; get over Sigs! Michael pics are coming. Check pic sight soon. Got blessed by monk in temple. Said prayer for peace and safe trip.
Danced in the alley to barter and it worked surprisingly well. Sunita got smacked on the ass with a wink after. I got better price! Whose your daddy?
Love and miss you all,
j and s


Blogger Michael said...

Holiday in Cambodia, where the people dress in black - keep smacking Sunita on the arse. Who says bartering can't be fun?

M, A, and Ms. P
-eating pad thai in your honor

10:09 PM  

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