Monday, June 06, 2005

Singing in the Rain

Hey yall,
We are in Phnom Penh now. There were some issues trying to change our tickets so we ended up here a day latter than we had planned. It is so different here. The vibe is tranquile and sad at the same time.

Last night in Bangkok almost made us a bit more than humble! Tuk tuk trouble; details will be revealed upon arrival to home soil.

So... the rain did finally hit yesterday. We were on the Khao San rd again and the massive downpour produced at least 1 ft of rain. the streets were rivers. So; We danced! Its true. We did our best Gene Kelly and danced and sang while trying to get to a tuk tuk. This was done much to the amusement of the locals. One man offered us his whiskey(which isn't cheap there), he was so amused! We didn't take it.

We got to PP this afternoon. Cab driver was very nice and impressed with Sunita's Khmer. He talked about how things are getting better here after "3 years, 4 monthes and 20 days"of Pol Pot. Very sad...

We went directly to the FCC(foreign correspondance club), it is beautiful with french influence and views of Tonle Sap and Mekong river. We met a darling british woman, 75 yrs young. Yvonne, drank tea with us(we had beer ) and talked of all her travels. We should all be so lucky!
Pictures to come. Love you all same same but different!


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