Thursday, December 28, 2006

You Can NOT afford it!

We are here. Hans is cool. Frans is the world of snobby suck!
Two brothers: Capulets/Monteques
The world according to Chatta:
Continental airlines screwed us on the return flight. Not sure when we will be returning. Pictures coming sometime as the internet cafes are also "coffee" shops and everything is tooooo slooow! Sunita's hats are a hit. All love them and her. They think she is French. Jenny face planted it on a tram track on the first night. Don't worry it was merely a flesh wound; to my knees!
Saw the Rijksmuseum and Van Gough today. We managed to stay out of most of the throngs o' chattas. Still incredibly busy. Lots of elbowing people out of the way. The weather is soupy and cold. Our cheeks are glowing from the crisp weather. Photos to follow. Incedently, we are now at the famous Bulldog. Have not partaken. You don't need to with the contact buzz!
Love to all,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got your message today and called Reese...he's hip as to when to pick you two up at the airport.

Looks like you two are having a great time so Sunita's outfit...French, huh?

I'm telling you...get something at the "coffee house" and take a boat ride through town.

7:20 PM  

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